Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3 Months After Lap Band

It has been 3 months since I have had the lap band surgery. I am doing very well. I have lost a total of 47 lbs so far. I have met my first weight loss goal of being under 300lbs. Now my second goal is to lose 50 more lbs. It is going to happen!!  I have been working out with a personal trainer for the last 2 months and it has really helped me lose weight and slim down. I need to step it up though. I am planning on running in the warrior dash on Aug 25th in Canton, Ohio. This race is 3.21 miles with 12 different obstacles. The obstacles include: barricades, swimming, climbing, rappelling, hurdles, a cargo net climb, leaping over fire, and climbing under barbed wire in mud. This will be very challenging for me but I am excited to at least try it. The race may kill me but I WILL finish the race. My goal is to finish. I am looking for people to do this race with me so if you are interested you should look at the warrior dash website http://www.warriordash.com/register2012_ohio_2.php